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John Terra

John Terra is a professional blogger residing in Nashua, New Hampshire. A seasoned writer who has been writing freelance since 1986, Terra's body of work cuts across technology and related domains, primarily gaming. He has also written articles for Computer Shopper and Inc.Magazine, as well as ZDNet.

Blogs by This Author

What is Cohort Analysis

What is Text Analysis?

This article covers text analysis, including what it is, how it works, its importance, and why it’s essential.

What Does a Coder Do

What Does a Coder Do? A Beginner’s Guide

Have you ever considered who’s designing the websites, software, and smartphone apps you visit or use daily? There’s a never-ending flood of web pages and applications, so someone must be creating them, right? Could that someone be you? Coders create the online digital resources we all use. This article answers